African Violet Plant Care Guide
About African Violets
The African violet botanical name is, Saintpaulia. They are known for having bright colorful variations within their flowers. Their flowers can vary from white, purple, pink, and red. Each one of their beautiful flowers have five petals and are velvety to touch. Due to the African violets temperamental, humidity and sunlight requirements, this plant is best for intermediate plant lovers. A fun fact about the African violet is that they have flowers all year round!
African Violet
14 hours of light/10 hours of dark
Light and Porous moist mixture composed of sphagnum peat moss and block-harvested.
white, pink, lavender, red, fuchsia, coral, and red.
11-12 (USDA)
In the mountains of eastern Africa
Common Varieties of African Violet Plants
There are about 16,000 varieties of African violets. Famously known for their wide variety of flower color, below are some of the most common types of African violets.
Saintpaulia Ionantha
The most popular type of African violet that you may find in your grandparents home. Its famously known for its dark purple flowers and rich green foliage.
Saintpaulia Diplotricha
Known for its light purple leaves. This variation of african violet would be a great addition to any room in your home as its color complements many home decors.
Sunlight Requirements
Make some room in your plant cabinet for this popular houseplant because African violet plants have temperamental sunlight requirements. African violets need 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness each day. The importance of darkness is to allow the plant to produce its famous beautiful flowers. If you do not own a designated lighting and humidity cabinet, place your African violet near a west facing window. NEVER expose your African violet plant to bright lights as this can cause the leaves to burn.
Humidity Requirements
African violet plants need tons of moisture. The houseplant prefers to be at a 80% humidity level. The African violet does not respond lightly to sudden fluctuations in humidity levels. It may be beneficial to invest in a humidifier to control its temperamental climate.
Temperature Requirements
African Violet plants prefer the temperature to be between 65°F-80°F. Keep your African Violet near a west or east facing window where it will receive bright indirect light.
Watering Requirements
The soil should always be moist when talking about African violet plants. One of the worst mistakes plant parents make is over watering their Saintpaulia plant which can lead to disease, pests, and death. Generally, the African violet needs to be watered once a week. Depending on the time of year, it may need to be watered more frequently.
What does a variegated African violet plant look like?
Variegated African Violet Plant
It is hard to get your hand on one of these in real life. It is interesting to see what the variegation does to the green foliage of the plant. It adds almost a sporadic white outline to each of the leaves.
Can I keep my African violet plant indoors or outdoors?
Yes, granted the right living environment African violets can thrive indoors. Ensure that its humidity, watering, and temperature requirements are met and you will have blooming flowers throughout your home all year round.
No, African violet plants will likely not survive in outdoor conditions. African violets prefer to be in a set environment. Because of the frequent fluctuations of temperature, humidity, and weather outdoors, it is hard to regulate the temperamental requirements of the African violet plant.
Susceptible Diseases & Pests
African violets are susceptible to many pests and deadly diseases, some of which include the following:
Bacterial Blight
Ring Spot
Foliar Nematode
Frequently Asked Questions
According to the ASPCA, African violets are safe for your cats, dogs, and small humans. Although, it is not advised to consume the African violet. ext goes here
You will know its time to repot your African violet plant when it has doubled or tripled its size. Following these steps will guide you through the process of repotting your African violet plant.
Step One: Inspect your plant to make sure your plant is ready to be repotted. Check for yellowing, or dead leaves.
Step Two: Get a pot that your African violet plant will grow into. Make sure it has good drainage.
Step Three: Water your plant thoroughly before transferring it to another pot.
Step Four: obtain healthy crowns that look good in color
Step Five: place in new pot and water.Place near a west facing window for optimal success.
Never put your newly planted African violet in direct light as this will be detrimental to the health of the plant. -
The soil should always be moist when talking about African violet plants. One of the worst mistakes plant parents make is over watering their santapaulia plant which can lead to disease, pests, and death. Generally, the African violet needs to be watered once a week. Depending on the time of year, it may need to be watered more frequently.