The Ultimate Guide to Getting Rid of Scale Insects
About Scale Insects
Scale insects are considered plant parasites that suck the sap out of your houseplants leaves and stems. These unusual looking bugs will cause wilting yellowing leaves and will eventually kill your houseplant entirely. It is incredibly important to identify these parasites and get rid of them before it is too late. Our guide will walk you through the treatment, identification, and prevention steps of scale insects.
Scale insects look like brown circular bumps on the leaves and stems of your houseplants. They mostly live in clusters with one another and have a cottony white appearance. Scale are commonly mistaken for mealybugs.
scale insects with cotton-like appearance
Accessing Plant Health For Scale Damage
Stunted Growth
Yellowing & Wilting Leaves
Dropped Leaves
Dead Branches
Methods & Treatments
The Pruning Method: If you catch the infestation early enough you may be able to get away with pruning the impacted leaves. Always use sanitized shears when cutting any plant impacted with scale to avoid transmission to other plants. Water the infested plant after pruning to avoid shocking the plant.
Rubbing Alcohol Method: Grab some q-tips and some rubbing alcohol. Dip the q-tips in the rubbing alcohol and wipe away all of the scale insects. Scale insects die on contact with rubbing alcohol. Repeat this process twice a week until you do not see any more scale. Always wipe away all excess alcohol of all stems and leaves to prevent damage.
The Lady Bug Method: Lady bugs are natural predators of scale insects. If you are comfortable with releasing a bunch of ladybugs in your home, this may be an option for you.
Insecticide: Lastly you can try and use an insecticide meant for scale insects.
WARNING: some pesticides are known to be toxic if ingested, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled. It may cause moderate eye or skin irritation. Always read labels of the products you are using the proper safety equipment.
Always practice routine plant check ups to ensure it is not impacted by any pests or diseases. If you perform these routine checks, you will be able to catch a scale infestation before it gets out of hand. Always prune and remove any dead branches with clean scissors to avoid the development of such diseases and pests like scale.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, scale insects are known to hide in soil. Sometimes it's best to repot the plant in new soil and remove any infected areas.
Item description
Yes, technically you can drown scale insects, but there are better methods to get rid of scale for good.
Scale insects are attracted to unclean hot environments. Most people take home scale from the place they got the plant. It's good practice to keep your new plants away from your old plants to prevent infection across your whole green space.